Monday, March 8, 2010
Lesson Learned
Friday, January 22, 2010
Comma What?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Literary Elements: TAKS PT 3

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Figurative Language
Monday, January 4, 2010
Story Spinners: Option 3

As I regained consciousness, I remember asking myself what had happened? As I turned myself to get up there was a dead body next to me. I asked myself all the question "What happened?" "Who did this?" and "Why?" but none of my questions could be answered. I tried to remember what happened but all I could remember I was at a party with my friends we started walking down this long vestibule were they said the party was. I think might have blacked out between then because the next thing I remembered was running down the alley with this lady I didn't even know then we saw huge headlights then the lady started screaming "No Please Don't!" I reached in my pocket and found my keys were gone but my phone was still there. All I could think was call the police to I quickly dialed 911 the police rushed over. When they got to the crime scene the police asked me what had happened I told them what I remembered but the police officers didn't believe me the police asked me how I got blood all over my shirt and jeans I told them "I don't remember."
When the police seen the blood they put me in the police car I asked "Where am I going?" they responded "Jail." "Why?" I asked. All they did was shake there head and said "You know why." I sat in the police car and asked myself "Why am I being blamed for this?" I was so scared cause I didn't know what I had did or what had happened that night. My first night in jail was not fun I couldn't sleep I had nightmares about the night before I remembered some pieces from that night I remember a stubborn man following us then we looked back and seen a shiny object in his hands as he approached us.
Knowing this scared me thinking maybe that man had killed the girl I didn't know the officers came and got me out of my jail cell and said this people wanted to talk to me as a approached them they told me they had some questions for me. We sat and waited about a good 20 minutes then they finally asked me if I killed my friend? I said "NO I didn't even know the girl." they proceeded to ask me questions then I told them "Well if I knew who the girl was give me the name and I will tell you if I knew her." the officers stepped out for a little then walked back in and said "Gabii the girl you killed her name was your cousin Mari." they continued and said "We understand you have a PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder)." I said "Yes." they said "Did you know that people with PPD can perceives attacks on his or her character or reputation that are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack?" I told them "Yes I knew that."
They continued to asking me questions if she made me mad or anything and I said “No she would never make me mad I love her.” Then after we sat and talked a officer came in and pulled the other officers out in the hall. I sat and thought to myself “How could you do this?” the officers stepped back in and told me “Gabii you didn’t kill your cousin the guy who did it confessed to hilling her and framing you.” As I walked out I seen the guy that killed my own cousin it was to my shock that out of anybody I would expect to killing anybody her killer was no other then my own bother Juan I wanted to wake up and it be the biggest nightmare I had ever had but this time it was real my brother killed my cousin. I visited my brother cause I still loved him after what he did. I asked him “Why Juan?” and he never answered my question, but I pray that nobody would have to go what I have to.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My Bucket List
Become a Algebra 2 teacher
Visit all my family
Go to Mexico
Have closer on my past and start a new future
Go to Washington D.C. with James
Go to a Texas Longhorn games
Learn to speak another language
Go on a cruse
Get my dream car
Meet Justin Long
Go to New York
Go to a Daddy Yankee Concert
Go to Hollywood and see America's Best Dance Crew Live
Go to a Super Cr3w Dance Concert
Go to Porto Rico
Be on a singing show
Spend a whole month with my closes friend in Paris, France
Bail my brother Juan out of jail
Be in a movie
Have a party with my friends
Visit the Texas Chainsaw Massacres House
Visit the House of The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Take all the steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower
Go to the biggest Mall in the World
Fix all my problems in my life and be happy for once
Overcome my fear of Subway's
Be more social with people and not hold back
Get my hair done in a crazy style
See Papa Roach in Concert
Get my dream tattoo
Splatter paint my room
Do something very very exciting with my family
Go to Disneyland with my family
Go to Texas University
Fix my problems with my family
Monday, September 21, 2009
Shakespeare Language
I woke up for school then as i was getting on to the bus a CUTTLE came a pushed me down. I didn't know why he was being so CRUEL to me. I think if we were all of us would have came together all of us could CONVINCE and CONVICTED the CUTTLE. So I had to CRY AIM the kids to stand up to the CUTTLE then the next day we did then the CUTTLE never bothered us again.
O teach me how I should forget to think.
To me this is saying they know how to think but they can't because they are looking into the persons eyes. And don't know what to think.